World War II: Europe and North Africa
Topic: Causes and effects of World War 2 in Europe and North Africa Goals: We want the audience to learn how the World War 2 happened because people are still unaware Intended audience: High school students Sequence: Introduction to podcast with a brief overview of ww2 (Chaudhary) Causes of the ww2 (Miguel) Practices and impact on the war (Mazen) Final outcome and effects of ww2 (Suwaigh) Conclusion of the war and podcast (Chaudhary)

Sunday Oct 16, 2022
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
In this podcast, our group will explain the causes, practices, and effects of WW2 in Europe and North AfricaGroup members: Miguel W, Mohammad S, Mazen S, Mohammad CPlanning: Miguel WScript: Miguel W, Mohammad S, Mazen Si, Mohammad CRecording: Mohammad C, Miguel W, Mazen S, Mohammad SEditing: Mohammad C